distortion n. 1.歪扭,扭曲。 2.【电学】(信号、波形等的)失真;【物理学】(透镜成像产生的)畸变;【医学】扭转,变形。 3.窜改,歪曲,曲解。 a gross distortion of the news 大肆歪曲的报道。 frequency distortion 【无线电】频率失真。 undergo a sudden distortion (脸等)突然变形。 adj. -al
The characteristics of three - level ( tl ) converter and its effect to the zero - crossing distortion are analyzed , and extended it to ml converters , which are suitable for the high input frequency pfc application 文章详细分析了三电平( three - level , tl )变换器的特点和对输入电流过零畸变的改善作用,并推广至多电平变换器。
This thesis analyzes the zero - crossing distortion , and points out that the major causes are the inductor and the phase displacement between the input current and the input voltage . several methods are proposed and verified by simulation 本文对产生输入电流过零畸变的各种原因进行了定量分析,指出电感和输入电流与输入电压间的相位差是影响高频输入下输入电流过零畸变严重的根本原因。
However input current distortion at the zero - crossing of the input voltage is a common problem in active pfc converters , and it becomes more serious as the line frequency is increased . the purpose of this thesis is to reduce the zero - crossing distortion of input current at high input frequency application 但有源pfc变换器存在输入电流过零畸变的缺陷,并且随着输入频率的升高而越来越严重,本文的工作就是针对解决高输入频率下严重的输入电流过零畸变而展开的。